Lipe's a Graduate! - Brooklyn Children's Photographer

Lipe was in for his third Baby Plan session. I just adore his gorgeous, red hair! Lipe, come for another visit sometime.

Ari's Upsherin - Brooklyn Children's Photographer

Ari came in for his Upsherin portraits. By now, his beautiful long hair has been cut already. Ari is a big boy now! A double Mazel Tov to the whole family.

Shaye's Turning Three! - Brooklyn Children's Photographer

Seems like yesterday that I posted his newborn pictures, but here they are, Shaye's Upsherin portraits. Mazel Tov!

Brothers - Brooklyn Children's Photographer

Francisco and Ajennis were in for their portraits a couple of days ago.

Fun Fun Fun - Brooklyn Children's Photographer

This is one fun family! I think these guys had as much fun as I did during their non-traditional photo session. Moishe and Yanky were great sports and really cool! The girls were great and brought in some great props for all of them.

Two Little Girls - Brooklyn Children's Photographer

Leah'la and Henchy were in for some portraits last week. Henchy is a happy little baby with the sweetest smile. Leah'la is a little firecracker with gorgeous eyes and an adorable haircut.

Yidi's One! - Brooklyn Children's Photographer

Yidi was here just a day before his first birthday. He's now a graduate from our Baby Plan Club. He's such a happy little guy! I hope he keeps visiting as he grows up.

My Gang - Brooklyn Children's Photographer

You know what they say about the shoemaker's kids...Well, my kids were all dressed up Friday afternoon so I made them endure a little photo session. I have to hand it to them, though, they were really cooperative, and we have the evidence to prove it.

The Girls:

The Girls:
The Boys:

Short and Sweet - Brooklyn Children's Photographer

Yossi was only willing to put up with a short session, but we managed to get some beautiful portraits of him in that time. Mazel Tov!

Eliyahu - Part II - Brooklyn Baby Photographer

Eliyahu was back in for his second Baby Plan session. He's cuter than ever with a fabulous smile. Can't wait to see him again at his birthday.

Welcome Baby Rechie - Brooklyn Baby Photographer

3 month old Rechie reminds me of a porcelain doll. She has that combination of perfect complection and delicate features. Big Sister Miriam came along to help us out.

Gorgeous Girls - Brooklyn Children's Photographer

Shifra is the latest addition to our Baby Plan Club. I've been photographing her sister, Deena, for a while now, so it was really nice to meet the new addition to the family. I'm looking forward to seeing them grow up in my studio!